Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wow! The Daily Create was fun!

I just finished my third Daily Create project. Honestly, the whole experience was much better than I expected. It was fun! I plan to take the idea and use it in the intermediate level digital photography course I should be teaching next spring.

The first Daily Create project that I selected was a photography challenge. Obviously, that was right up my ally. The challenge was to photograph your favorite breakfast beverage. I prefer to drink soda for breakfast but, for the sake of the project I took artistic license and photographed my coffee pot. I had made the pot to help me study. I figured that made it more than okay. 

This is the image:

The Daily Create number for the project is tdc382.

The second Daily Create project that I selected was to describe the sky in one sentence without using any color words. That was fun too! Here is what I wrote:

With the Kona winds blowing, the sky has become cold, dark, threatening of destruction through torrential rain, and yet, at the same time, encouraging of closeness, the exchanging of bodily warmth, and a pleasant evening spent in intellectually intriguing conversation with one's partner and best friend.

The Daily Create number for the project is tdc383.

The third Daily Create project that I selected was another photography challenge wherein one had to create a silhouette. Of the three, this was my lease favorite. I wanted to use a light or a reflector to bounce some light back in on my subject. However, if I had done that it would not have been a pure silhouette as required by the project. It is okay. That that was part of the challenge and therefore also part of the fun!

This is the image:

The Daily Create number for the project is tdc384.


  1. Aloha Don,

    Excellent job with your Daily Create assignments. As it turns out, I ended up doing the same three assignments. Your expertise with photography and creativity really shined during this assignment. I loved how, in the two photo's, it wasn't obvious what the subjects were. I would have never guessed that the first photo was a coffe pot. And I love coffee!

    I also really enjoyed this assignment. I love that it almost seemed like play. I am a big believer in unstructured open spaces for kids to learn and play. I thought this assignment simulated that, albeit, in a digital environment. The creators provided just enough direction to guide the user without hindering creativity.

    You mentioned that you are considering using this template in your intermediate photography class. I am curious as to how you would incorporate this in your class?

  2. Hi Don,

    I found the daily create assignments really fun as well. I liked that I could search the archives and find an assignment that was something I had been wanting to learn how to do. Nice photos!

    1. By the way, Tausami is my alias, but this Jessica from 647
